
When I Said Yes To Love

There was this time when I thought I knew exactly the type of man I was going to marry.  We all have "the list" know.... tall, handsome, funny, kind, gentleman, giver, handy, well-dressed, superman, passionate....I could go on and on and on. Then I met James and the list got a bit fuzzy ;)  Add on stubborn, loner, doesn't care about stuff/ things ( seriously if it was up to him he would have 5 shirts and 5 pants). He was this long haired, hippie guy who was a bit odd,  interesting, ruggedly handsome and he really wanted to know me. Not in the "hey girl, can I get your digits" kind of way ( yah, we've met that guy....eewww). We just talked and talked about everything and anything. He was refreshing and I wanted to know everything about him. It also made me uncomfortable because I've never met anyone who was so comfortable in his own skin. Beating to his own drum or kicking his own hacky sack :) We are opposites attracting in the most exquisitely extreme sense. This flannel that he wore...I was not familiar. The direct way he asked me out....say what?! Yet all along, I was already at YES.

YES to moving across the country to be with you. YES, I will spend the rest of my life with you. YES to letting go and braving the unknown because that is the sweetness of love. The relentless want and need to be with another human. The complex way we at times can't control how it chooses to pan dares to choose for us. The will we must have to keep our sanity in this union, together yet still our own person. 11 years together, 9 years of marriage and a life built together that reminds me that growth is what happens when you allow others to enrich you. I became stronger more certain of who I am and saw that the journey is the bliss. The memories we've created, the moments triggered by the little things and best of all, Maddie. A little girl in my world since she was a month old, who's given me pure meaningful, fulfilling love.  

He's still my mountain man and remains the same version of who I met 11 years ago but with more clarity. More certain of who he is and allowing me to see all of him. I see him. He sees me. I try not to edit who he is...socks with sandals, yah, I'll pick my battles. He sees me. Yes I'm wearing a blush pink tulle skirt with a denim shirt and heading to the grocery store. I'm allowing things to come to light that helps me figure out each day how to be a better person, stepmom, wife, friend, me. 

This day was so special not just because we got to celebrate our love but we were surrounded by those that gave love through their passions.  The photography magic of Ben and Joella made all of our visions come to life. The botanical bliss created by Flowers at Will made the beauty around us even more spectacular. The delightful creations that made our taste palate happy by Boise's Bakery. The incredible table scape and attention to the tiniest details by Pottery Barn Boise made our day beam with life. The flawless dress that draped my body made possible by LaNeige Bridal. The perfect makeup by the fabulous Blush by Jamie Rose made me feel like my most beautiful self. Our resourceful and awesome Sprout design_ Idaho who helped to coordinate this vision that was once in my head. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have the opportunity to style one of the best days of our lives, surrounded by some talented magic makers. Thank you for coming along this journey with me. 

Unicorns Wear Stripes

When I was 12 years old I thought that anything and everything was possible. After-all, I had just left my tiny world on the island of Jamaica and was now living in The United States of America. CRAZY!! As another new year slips it's way towards us I'm feeling a bit nostalgic about 2016 and all that its meant to me. I think the biggest take away was understanding more about what I think I'm capable of doing and reviving that 12 year old "I can" mindset. Adult life is so strange how it shifts the "I can do anything" ( I call this my unicorn) to "just do something". Your mind gets blown a bit when you stop making excuses and start failing at shit. Ya, that's what happens when you're all up in the "doing" part of stuff.  You mess up, learn, make progress, try harder and challenge yourself to be better. Not perfect because you and I know that exist only on IG ( those filters tho ;) 

stripe sweater: JCrew   Denim: Levi    boots: Piece Unique

So I've battled with my unicorn...we believed at one time right?! Seriously, I can't be the only one. Well whatever your "unicorn" was, it was cool, you loved it and then one day it just vanished. My Mom would chime in right now and say "it call real life baby" in her very heavy Jamaican accent ( filled with Mama truth). Yes, real life chimes in but that doesn't have to be a dirty phrase. That's what's great about still believing as an adult in the "impossible", your "unicorn". You have all this "grown up" perspective to "real talk" your way through the logistics of your dream and the unicorn passion to rally your ass to go after it harder and make your purpose happen. 

So as we embark on another year, I encourage you to unleash your "unicorn" and rally that passion you crave. Better yet, why not start the process right now, where you are.  I've got your back. 

All photos by the talented and extra cool Denise of Studio Boise

Comfort Wear With Style

Comfort wear can sometimes feel like dirty words in the style arena. Our hands are clasped praying that our casual everyday, throw on and go wear can live up to that sweet spot combination of  comfort and stylish. Well my awesome peeps get ready to rejoice because I have some easy style tips that will help you navigate this arena. Get ready to revel in comfort and still show up with style. 

Jacket: Nike   Tee + Denim: JCrew 

Say hello to my little friend denim

I know, why cant I put on some leggings. You can but a pair of great fitting denim instantly makes the outfit more pulled together. I'm rocking these straight leg front button denim from JCrew. They're a looser fit and pure comfort! I paired it with a simple white tee and my favorite go to in the shoe arsenal, ankle boots. 

Layer, layer

A denim jacket, a cozy sweater, a structured cardigan, all provide a great anchor to a casual look. Your comfy casual wear is suppose to get you through your day feeling good and crossing off your "to do" list. So having the right layering piece allows you to remove a style if needed and keep it moving. I'm wearing this chic bomber from Nike.

The little details matter

Casual wear should be fuss free, so for me that means choosing my accessories carefully. My fun detail here is my gold bucket bag. So playful right!! It adds a little glam to a casual look and makes the outfit pop. So add a great scarf, earrings that add a little glam and get your day going comfortably in style :)

All Photos by the talented Denise of Studio Boise

How To Upgrade Your Favorite Tee

Soft, comfy, cozy, easy, cute. Here's just a few words to describe my favorite tees. They're my go to when my brain is juggling too much and I need to get dress in under 2 seconds ;) I know you have a few in your closet and I'm all about making your closet WORK for you. Here's a really fun way to upgrade the look of your favorite tee. 

I've paired my cozy classic henley tee from Alternative Apparel with this uber chic skirt from Zara. Click here and here to add these beauts to your closet :) How fun is this skirt right?!! The classic checked print brings a timeless element to this skirt and then the knot ( it makes me giddy) adds a playful and modern touch. I finished the look with ankle boots because why not. Your great basics gets some extra love and your look gets a boost of modern edge. Not to mention the effort, very minimal. Yes please :)

This can be done with a pencil skirt, midi length skirt or a dressy trousers. You can wear your dressy styles with your casual comfy styles. Preaching! Don't fight those little moments. It's what makes your look come together easily without the fuss. I mean, who doesn't want to luxuriate in their comfy tee?!! 

Peeps!!! You make what I do so worth it with your fantastic feedback and encouragement. Thanks for letting me know about this blog post not loading. I cannot wait to share all my fun happenings in NYC with you. Keep sending me your "what to wear" ideas that you'll like me to gab about!! I've got YOUR BACK!! 😘

5 Things That Fuels My Happy

I've tried to generate blog post that I can pre-plan and it never works. I am one of those people that has to be in the moment. I get the chance to speak with you from a space that I know is genuine and not just for the sake of typing a few words. The last few months have been busy and full of style loving mayhem and I've been asked how do I keep my light, happy go get it self charged.  For me, I've realized how important it is to FIND MY DOSE OF HAPPY IN EVERY LITTLE NOOK AND CRANNY THAT I ENCOUNTER. Don't get me wrong, life gets real, real at times and you feel out of sorts but babes I tell you, when you look at things from the standpoint of what I am grateful for in this moment. Holy chipotle, it's a game changer. 

Early morning bare faced and soul at The Society Hotel in Portland

Launching my own personal styling business came from a place of fear, desperate love of all things fashionable but most of all, having the opportunity to meet and style some of the most incredible humans. What that means to me is I AM THANKFUL FOR EVERY PERSON THAT COMES INTO MY LIFE, NO MATTER WHAT. I know it seems crazy because you're probably saying that there has been a few bad eggs that you wished you never encountered. What I take from that is a lesson. No matter the circumstance, you are going to be taught something, will give something and it is not a worthless moment. 

PERFECTION ISN'T REAL BUT EFFORT IS. The comparison game can leave you feeling defeated. What I've learned and continue to learn is the more I focus on how can I be helpful today instead of who can help me today, the better I feel. My efforts to try, always isn't about how perfect I can make things but more about, am I doing all that I can right now. It grants me the permission to make mistakes, learn from them and simply try again and again. 

FIND YOUR GOOD EGGS AND LOVE ON THEM HARD! I've had the opportunity to have so many people come in and out of my life with a purpose. Its made me appreciate the ones that fuel my happy by being honest, caring and never allowing me to doubt who I am.  They give me love and that awesome thread of connection. Show up for your good eggs and love on them all the time. 

NOW MATTERS MORE. I try to soak up what is happening right now in this moment. Yes tomorrow is relevant and goals are drivers for your tomorrow. However, I try not to lose focus on the present. There can be so many distractions ( so many) that pulls you away from getting all that you can from your now moments that it can be easy to miss out on those small delights. My stepdaughter Maddie ( the cutest human ever), has told me not to be on my phone while she's talking to me...say what?!! It was a huge moment for me and for us. I give her my full attention and get to hear those little and big things that are important to her. Things I could easily miss if I wasn't fully present. 

Quiet moments captured by the talented Karen E. Photography

One of my amazing humans introduced me to Brené Brown.  She is an American scholar, author, and public speaker. Listening to her was an illuminating experience for me and whenever I find something that is awesome and teaches me, I must share it with you. This is one of my favorite quotes from her: 

"Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen"  Brené Brown

I hope it brings to you your own sense of purpose in this fantastic journey called life. 

This girl + stripes

happy as a clam with J.Lee Photos in Vegas

happy as a clam with J.Lee Photos in Vegas

What is it about stripes that makes us covet it so much?! My friends and I see it, immediately want it, must have....ahhh NEED IT!! I love that it embodies both a classic and modern look. I can wear a stripe tee with skinny jeans and ta da...cute outfit!! It doesn't get any easier than that. 

I'm a fan of the JCrew perfect tee styles. I paired it with this overall denim skirt from Madewell which gave this classic tee some edge. I find a small or medium stripe style is best especially in the tee style. If you spot a stripe dress that is loved,  I would go for a medium stripe, like this style because it creates a more flattering visual. Everyone can wear stripes,  it's really about paying attention to the size of the stripes. 

Top: JCrew perfect tee

Top: JCrew perfect tee

Its been a busy few weeks and I have some amazing collaborations that I'll be sharing with you all!!! I'm so thrilled to have you on this journey with me. Thank you for having my back and showing this poofy hair girl a whole lot of LOVE!!!

Temperature control styling

Yep!! Springs here y'all!! We've sprung forward and the light stays with us a bit longer. This gets me all revved up for warm sunshiny drenched days. I know, you want to put on your shorts and run into the sunshine. Hold your horses because the chill factor lingers but thankfully the freeze has gone bahbye :) So what can my babes wear when the weather is nice but you might need to bring a jacket?! Layering is our BFF. 

You can't go wrong with a little fur vest ( faux or real...your preference).  It's a great layer that looks chic and will actually keep you warm (win win). I paired it with this awesome fitted stripe skirt by Greylin that I snagged at Piece Unique downtown.  There is so much cuteness in that store! It's high-waisted and holds all the goodness in with its structured fabric. This light weight sweater is from JCrew and is slightly fitted as not to compete with the fur vest. So it's time to wear those puffer vest like this and pair with your button down shirts. Really digging on this style. You'll stay warm but when the temperature decides to up its game 5-10 degrees, all you need to do is remove a layer to keep your cool.  I also want you to give cardigans some love!! You can pair with a tee, skinny jeans and some great sneaks ( I love these).  Before the release of our little piggies in the full sun,  ankle boots are still on full rotation. These are from Fancy Pants downtown, they have such a great selection so brace yourself. I wear these boots with almost everything!!

I love the four seasons because it allows me to refresh my wardrobe and venture on a fun style journey with the change in weather. There's a bit of renewal that comes with Spring, at least for me. I get this extra charge from the excitement of nature changing it's decor as well. It's a pretty fantastic welcome, don't you think.  

I have so many ideas brewing under this curly poof!! It's kind of crazy! Thank you for connecting with me and giving me your feedback.  I'll be sharing more of my plans/outfits,  including the style workshop details on my Instagram @seelaurastyle. If you want to join, email me at subject style workshop.

What I know for sure is that I will make the relentless efforts in my own way to let EVERY girl and woman know that she is wonderful, special and necessary. I know I'm not alone and I'm so happy that you're joining me. HUGS!!! 


How to put your closet to work!

coat + fringe sweatshirt - JCrew, denim- Frame

coat + fringe sweatshirt - JCrew, denim- Frame

My clothes are my worker bees. I was once in a place where I would stumble on an item and really couldn't remember the last time I wore it or worse yet, didn't remember purchasing it.  Those days are long gone my friends because I no longer buy what I don't love, truly love. That means, I know why I'm getting it and how I'll be wearing it when I'm in the store. It's the best moment in your potential closet happiness. Why am I getting so darn deep you may ask? It's because you're my peeps and I love ya, so listen up!! This will save you from the frustration of having styles that's not loved and are now taking up precious closet real estate. Every single piece of clothing I purchase for my clients ( yes, every) has a purpose and I know exactly how I want them to wear it. Yes, I might be on the scale of neurotic when it comes to fashion and style but that's why you love me ;) 

So let's get to the corn beef and cabbage of this conversation ( I'm married to an Irish lad and it's St Patty's day y'all...just go with it ;) When you narrow it down to having only those styles you love in your closet, it's like having a fantastic flashlight that beams on all your goodness i.e clothes (insert magical harps playing). You can really SEE what you have and that means you can REALLY use the pieces that you own. If you don't know how, you have my digits  :) So, these styles can be put to work by creating outfits in ways you've never seen before. 

Okay, so you're in the fitting room and trying on those thingamajigs you liked. You look in the mirror and nod with slight approval. You then exit to get confirmation from your girlfriend ( note: a great girlfriend tells the truth, kindly).  She says "it's cute". If these thoughts pop into your head "I like it, but what am I going to wear with it" ;  "when am I going to wear it" or it tugs, pulls, scratches, pretty much anything that causes discomfort, put it back. An item that's uncomfortable and a style that in the store you're not sure what to wear with or when you'll wear it, is one less piece blocking your view of the styles in your closet that you really love and wear. Trust me, your next shopping day will be frustration free. 

It's been pretty busy and I absolutely love the creative chaos!! It means so much having you on the adventure with me, it just feels good!

Peeps, are you ready for a fabulous and fashion filled "how to" style workshop hosted by me + some pretty awesome friends of mine??? It's in the works my wonderful friends. If you are interested  and want to be a part of this fashion filled FUN and you know it'll be fun,  email me at with subject Style workshop. I can hardly wait!!!!

I Wear White in the Winter

"When you learn to love who you are on the inside, things fall into place on the outside" LT

"When you learn to love who you are on the inside, things fall into place on the outside" LT

So excited for this week!! Why?!! Because I'll be talking about breaking some of those pesky style rules. YES!!I Why, what do you mean my poofy hair and oh so stylish friend?!! Well, we are going to throw out some of those fashion rules that we culturally abide by and also attack (gently) those personal style rules we create for ourselves. Okay, the first style rule that we will "kick to the curb" like this 90s slang phrase is no-white-after–Labor Day (bahbye). I thought this rule was on life support and was no longer viable but I had to address this several times in my personal shopping world. The great thing about white is that we can play on texture, throw in a multitude of shades, hello ivory, cream, beige, snow ( one of my faves) and it brightens the gloomiest winter day like a BOSS! OK...I hear it, but Laura I'm so pale in the winter. This is why we have SO MANY great shades to work with and your cuteness can rock yo white and not feel like Casper the friendly ghost. Beautiful porcelain skin- love on soft cream colors with texture; warmer skin shades, go after snow whites;  if you have yellow undertones in your skin, give some love to white or pure white. Here's a few of my favorite white styles on the pic to add to your closet and start strutting your winter white.

Personal style rules that we will bid farewell to is I'm too curvy to wear skinnyjeans.! Yah!! I'm talking to you. Five and a half years ago, some dude said you were curvy and you panicked because you were rocking your skinnyjeans and now you've sworn off skinny jeans... FOREVER!! Stop the madness. First, dude mentioning your curves is because he likes them and said curves are fabulous. Curvy girls, you've got a great waist and I want to see it ( operation- liberate the waist! WOO!!) It's all about finding the right kind of skinnyjean that says "hey girl, I wanna marry you" (said in a seductive Barry White tone). If you are petite curvy, I'm a fan of this style and these. If you are medium built curvy,  loving on these and my tall drink of water with curves, love this style and these ( ummmm 34 inseam...yes girl!!). I find that if the denim has a higher rise, it really flatters the curves best. Thereby eliminating these offenders- The "crack kills" - the act of bending down or simply sitting, revealing all of one's backside business or the "ride em cowboy" the act of inserting your hands on the side of your denim or through denim belt loops and yanking them up...all the freaking time ( yep, we've all done that..rightttttt).

I'm wearing this loved distressed Rag and Bone white denim skirt, paired with a J.Crew military green button down and vintage fur jacket that is pure classic Luxe.

 I love pairing unexpected styles together and streamlining them in a way that injects my own personality.  I'll be bringing some effortless ways to COMBINE PRINTS and LAYERING 101. Get EXCITED!! Next week it's all about wear to work chic....say goodbye to stuffy office wear and lets have some professional fun. YAY babe!! I'm all about the feedback, so comment below, click the heart icon (don't leave him out) and SHOUT OUT topics you want to read about (hey, we're friends and I listen). Thank you for all the love and continue sharing, mama is digging it ( do people still say "digging it"?!...they should). So much coming your way, the party is only beginning!! YIPPEE!!!!




Christmas, gifts, snow, travel, parties, what to wear-ugh it's freaking cold but I wanna look cute, food- oh the FOOD!!! ahhhhh!!! BREATH and come to my "happy place"...I've got yo back and it's covered in something chic and cozy.

I'm currently doing some major shopping for a few of my lovely clients and can I just say, there is so much cuteness out there! OH MY GOODNESS!! Let's talk about some of my favorites. I'm becoming more of a pajama girl ( I use to rock old tees hard ) but as I get older I just want to feel good even when I'm about to power down. You can find the coziest and cutest jammies here.  I'm currently loving on Sugarbums Intimates uber cute Cosabella Amore pj set and Skin ribbed shorty set. I also love the JCrew bow flannel pajama pants...ummm they have bows ( so cute) and the dreamy cotton stripe pj's #slumbergoals. I'm a brushed cotton kind of gal but the silks, flannel and lace are pretty sweet as well. TIS THE SEASON FOR GIVING!!! So what do you get the friend that has everything?!! I find it more meaningful to go for the heartstrings (kleenex please). Make it personal and thoughtful.  That means you might have to bust out a DIY skill but don't worry this one is on my level of amateur status. All you need are treasured photos and a pen. I'm sending out some cute and chic personalized cards with a little surprise attached. I used the app PRINT STUDIOS (download here) to turn some of my favorite photos into my own cool stationary.  There's tons of options out there for ACTUALLY utilizing the 2,453 photos you have ( guilty, 5,629) on your iphone or smart phone. This one is awesomely fantastic and you can upload your photos directly from your computer, tablet or iphone and pull from your Instagram or whatever photo library you utilize. SUPER DUPER ( and I don't use that duper word lightly) EASY. THE PRODUCT- it is beautiful ( see below y'all) - printed on amazing paper and your photos become a work of art!! poof, ping, wow- those are my "magic happening"sounds.

There's 3 things I love in life ( okay I've got tons of stuff, things and people that I love but I'm partial to these 3 things for the moment). FIRST,  a great party outfit ( in I will go to ANY holiday party because I love to dress up and it's freaking FUN). SECOND, staying warm (cute and warm must be combined in the winter months for me...seriously ask my GFs). Third, wearing all my clothes. Yes, I have my seasonal put away stash but for the most part I wear most of my clothes all the time, mixing and changing up how I wear them. Unless it's a booty short and it's winter. I'm a fan of mixing high pieces (fancy, dressy, ta-da) with low pieces (casual, cozy, pass me my coffee on the sofa comfy styles).

I paired this flannel JCrew beauty with one of my favorite Spring/Summer skirt from Alice and Olivia that I got a few years back from Fancy Pants. You can find similar styles here . It's one of my faves (I've got tons of faves, so hang in there with me). It gives an elegant but not overdone look. So attack your closet and pull out your fancy styles ( yes, I know you bought it to wear to that special what-cha-ma-call-it, so what! you bought it, it looks great on you, so wear it #bossypants.

SHOW ME YOUR FANCY!! Share with me on INSTAGRAM your high low and fancy blends with #SHOWINGMYFANCY and tag me  I'll repost my favorite ( but you know I love you all) and I'll have a LITTLE SURPRISE for my fancy instaPOSER!!  WOOHOO, CAN'T WAIT! I'm soaking up all the love like Buhl butter on warm artisanal toast!! THANK YOU!! KEEP THE LOVE won't go to waste, comment below and click the heart icon (it's adorable). I've got some goodness coming your way next week so buckle your seat belts and make sure you've got snow tires!! LET'S GO!!






Welcome to the Land of "be yourself"


Hello my fashion lovers, style novice and sneak peekers!!! Let’s get cozy.  This blog has been in the works (in my head) forEVER. I have a tiny tray (Lucite please)  of awesome peeps that have encouraged me and I finally got my shiiiitttt together and made it happen. FEEL SO RIGHT!! Dance with me or raise the roof just a bit.  I'm so happy that we get to hangout and gab about all things stylish, beautiful and plain OBSESSED with. I love love fashion. My friends and I talk about it, I get to be absorbed in it with my work, I drag my mountainman hubby into it (when I can)...he's a hard one (you'll see...he wears socks with sandals...ummmm....yah... ;)  

don't fight the curly poof

It's all consuming and I don't mind one bit. Every day we wake up with this fantastic new day (cue the harps playing or some Drake) get to slip on something cool and go about our day, looking and feeling great. I strive to make this happen every time I attack a clients closet or style them for anything! That is what I want for all of you!!! This blog is to inspire, motivate and put a little sass in your step ...we can up the sass whenever we want. We'll explore the beautiful, the "not so perfect", the unique, different and unexpected because it's freaking fun!! So let’s start with one of my absolute LOVES RIGHT NOW!! 

1st, IT STARTS FROM THE Better Human by Ronda Conger.

good stuff...share

good stuff...share

I read this book and then read it again and then again. It inspires, motivates and gets you to where you ultimately want to be...which is getting yo shit together!!


I'm wearing this oh so simply chic and comfy dress by American Apparel in blush. I can rock it with a leather jacket and cognac ankle boots or lounge in it all day on a lazy Sunday.

I'm wearing this oh so simply chic and comfy dress by American Apparel in blush. I can rock it with a leather jacket and cognac ankle boots or lounge in it all day on a lazy Sunday.

I was told by a very badass woman ( love her) that if you found something amazing you should SHARE IT with everyone. That is what I'll do with you. I will share all that engages my style meter, where to find it and anything that helps me to be a better person. I'm currently loving on Madewell's Billie boots (here), denim jackets with the collar removed (check out Instagram page) and anything with a bit of grandma charm like this Sydney needled woven pullover from Madewell (feeling them right now) and it's all 25% off.                   


I have SO MUCH in store for you, oh my gosh I can't even keep it together (but I will)!! Favorite finds, diys, sass sessions (you'll see), Style tips like a mofo, and plenty of outfits fa days. Brainstorming some fun little adventures and you are coming with me ( bring some cheetos).  I'm surrounded by really amazing friends and get to meet new cool peeps that know a ton of GOOD stuff and yep I want to share it all with you. I'm also here to listen. Let me know your thoughts (comment below), share (tell your peeps),  and let’s spread some fashion LOVE. On this day of giving thanks, I'm mindful that I should be thankful everyday. I'm thankful for my loving family, wonderful friends, late night saké chat sessions, highwaisted skinny jeans ( keeps it all in- wearing one today ;) and pure honest LOVE.  Cheers to our next chat!! MUAH