Pottery Barn

When I Said Yes To Love

There was this time when I thought I knew exactly the type of man I was going to marry.  We all have "the list"...you know.... tall, handsome, funny, kind, gentleman, giver, handy, well-dressed, superman, passionate....I could go on and on and on. Then I met James and the list got a bit fuzzy ;)  Add on stubborn, loner, doesn't care about stuff/ things ( seriously if it was up to him he would have 5 shirts and 5 pants). He was this long haired, hippie guy who was a bit odd,  interesting, ruggedly handsome and he really wanted to know me. Not in the "hey girl, can I get your digits" kind of way ( yah, we've met that guy....eewww). We just talked and talked about everything and anything. He was refreshing and I wanted to know everything about him. It also made me uncomfortable because I've never met anyone who was so comfortable in his own skin. Beating to his own drum or kicking his own hacky sack :) We are opposites attracting in the most exquisitely extreme sense. This flannel that he wore...I was not familiar. The direct way he asked me out....say what?! Yet all along, I was already at YES.

YES to moving across the country to be with you. YES, I will spend the rest of my life with you. YES to letting go and braving the unknown because that is the sweetness of love. The relentless want and need to be with another human. The complex way we at times can't control how it chooses to pan out...it dares to choose for us. The will we must have to keep our sanity in this union, together yet still our own person. 11 years together, 9 years of marriage and a life built together that reminds me that growth is what happens when you allow others to enrich you. I became stronger more certain of who I am and saw that the journey is the bliss. The memories we've created, the moments triggered by the little things and best of all, Maddie. A little girl in my world since she was a month old, who's given me pure meaningful, fulfilling love.  

He's still my mountain man and remains the same version of who I met 11 years ago but with more clarity. More certain of who he is and allowing me to see all of him. I see him. He sees me. I try not to edit who he is...socks with sandals, yah, I'll pick my battles. He sees me. Yes I'm wearing a blush pink tulle skirt with a denim shirt and heading to the grocery store. I'm allowing things to come to light that helps me figure out each day how to be a better person, stepmom, wife, friend, me. 

This day was so special not just because we got to celebrate our love but we were surrounded by those that gave love through their passions.  The photography magic of Ben and Joella made all of our visions come to life. The botanical bliss created by Flowers at Will made the beauty around us even more spectacular. The delightful creations that made our taste palate happy by Boise's Bakery. The incredible table scape and attention to the tiniest details by Pottery Barn Boise made our day beam with life. The flawless dress that draped my body made possible by LaNeige Bridal. The perfect makeup by the fabulous Blush by Jamie Rose made me feel like my most beautiful self. Our resourceful and awesome Sprout design_ Idaho who helped to coordinate this vision that was once in my head. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have the opportunity to style one of the best days of our lives, surrounded by some talented magic makers. Thank you for coming along this journey with me.